Drill down into project in Project Pivot gadget

Issue #688 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hello! Now in the gadget Time Sheet we can drill down into user and see his/her detailed work logging. It would be great to have similar possibility in Project Pivot gadget for projects. Click at project name and see time sheet on the same time period and each row is for each user who has worklogged and columns are time frames in time period. Our company has many projects and to have many gadgets for many projects is uncomfortable.

Comments (5)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Vitaly,

    I assume this is for Project Pivot in case of Show Details: No, right?

    I'm asking, because there is also project shown when grouping by field. But I think it's not that natural to provide link to timesheet details in this case.

    Thank you.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    "I assume this is for Project Pivot in case of Show Details" - No, I meant either new hyperlink in cells in column that appears due to Group By = Project. Now there are no hyperlinks in this column and it can be used.

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Could you please double check. In issue#691 you show the view that I would expect (Show Details: No). I belive it will suite better, than Group By = Project, because there is no link as you've noticed, and it shows Project twice.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    In issue #691 I show just bug, but not that I would like to see. For me it is more important to have link to see particular one project with such details: - in rows - users - in column - time frames (days / weeks / months) A such view is real usable for project budgeting. I would be able to see total, high-level info about each project in current view (or Project Pivot) and if it is needed - to see budget table for chosen project just clicking in it. I would copy a such table in Excel, would add rates (money/hours) for users and would get project budget in money.

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