Include summary for issues without logged hours when grouping and showing empty rows

Issue #973 resolved
Former user created an issue

We have a report that groups by Epic Link and Shows Empty Rows. We believe that this configuration should display a summary for the Epics that do not have any logs reported. That way, you have a complete list of all the Epics that are included in the report.

Sample configuration: ConfigureReport.jspa?startDate=1%2FJul%2F16&endDate=15%2FAug%2F16&targetUser=&targetGroup=&excludeTargetGroup=&projectRoleId=&projectid=&filterid=12345&priority=&weekends=true&sum=month&sumSubTasks=true&showEmptyRows=true&groupByField=customfield_12541&moreFields=timeoriginalestimate&moreFields=timeestimate&moreFields=timespent&moreFields=timetracking&selectedProjectId=12345&reportKey=jira-timesheet-plugin%3Areport&Next=Next

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Comments (7)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Zahira,

    It should be possible with Sum Sub-Tasks option enabled and using Filter that includes all epic issues, e.g. "Epic Link" IS NOT EMPTY. To include sub-tasks, you need to add or issuetype = Sub-Task.

    Also instead of Group by Epic Link, you may configure Parent Issue Field = Epic Link in Administration - Add-ons - Timesheet Configuration.

    Please let me know if anything else.

    Thank you.

  2. Former user Account Deleted reporter
    • changed status to open

    Hi Andriy,

    I am using a very simple filter to get all the epic issues and I still don't get a summary line item for the epics that don't have logged hours. These epics do not have sub-task so the jql should return all the issues.

    In any case, the client wants to filter down the issues that are returned for each epic so not all the issues for an epic will be returned, and they still want that summary line item in the top table.

    JQL: project = ZZZ AND "Epic Link" in (ZZZ-1177, ZZZ-630)

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Zahira,

    Sorry for delay. It looks straightforward, and I have just double checked it with Show Empty Rows ON and Group by: Epic Link with filter similar to yours, and it works well, see screen shot attached. I don't have Parent Issue Field configured in Timesheet Configuraiton, and Sum Sub-Tasks option does not make any difference.


    Thank you.

  4. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    Hi Andriy, As you can see in your screenshot, the Epic is not listed in the first summary table. The first table should show all the Epics (groups) independently of whether they have time reported or not.

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