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servertimesheet / Versions History

Version Date Description
2.0+ 20/Sep/10 Jira 4.0 - 4.2 download from marketplace
1.9 06/Oct/09 Jira 4.0
1.8 24/Mar/09 Jira 3.10 - 3.12 download
1.7 04/Aug/07 Jira 3.10 - 3.12
1.6 12/Jan/07 Jira 3.7 download
1.5 27/Nov/06 Jira 3.0 - 3.6 download
1.4 29/Oct/06 Extensions to porlet: allow to select user to show time entries in portlet for; timsheet report: select issue priority to show entries for, and show issue totals
1.3 16/May/06 Extension by adding a configuration parameter for Nb. of Week summarized; Bug Fixing mentionned by Stuart Melville and Biswadeep Biswas
