Plugin Permalink Does Not Match Text Domain

Issue #5 resolved
Alexander Celeste created an issue

From review:

You fail to use a text domain:

tg-404-site-checker/tg-404-site-checker.php:173: <?php echo __( 'Enter the address of the site to check against during 404 errors.<br>Alternatively put a define statement for <em>TG_404_CHECK_SITE</em> in your <em>wp-config.php</em> file.' ); 

In order for your plugin to work properly in our directory, your text must match your plugin permalink/slug.

We can change your permalink for you, but there are limits to what we can use for your plugin slug. You need to tell us if the permalink should be changed, otherwise it will remain as is, and you should correct your code before uploading to SVN. 

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