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Sparna / HowTo-RunSKOSPlayCommandLine

How to run SKOS Play from the command line ?

Starting with version 0.7.0, SKOS Play comes with a command-line application to generate PDF and HTML reports from SKOS files. This allows to easily integrate the generation of such files in a vocabulary publishing process/script.


  1. Download the file skos-play-cli-x.y.z-onejar.jar from the download section;
  2. Make sure you have Java >= 6 installed and available;
  3. Open a terminal/prompt where you downloaded the command-line application, and run :

java -jar skos-play-cli-x.y.z-onejar.jar
You should see the help message given below in Annex.

  1. Make sure you have a SKOS file available somewhere, and try some of the commands :

Generate an alphabetical index in PDF (adjust the path to the file and the 2-letters language code) :

java -jar skos-play-cli-0.7.0-onejar.jar alphabetical -i /path/to/skos/file.rdf -o alphabetical.pdf -l en

Generate a hierarchical index in HTML (adjust the path to the file and the 2-letters language code) :

java -jar skos-play-cli-0.7.0-onejar.jar hierarchical -i /path/to/skos/file.rdf -o hierarchy.html -f html -l en

Generate a complete multilingual index in PDF, including alphabetical index, hierarchy, and translation tables (adjust the path to the file and the 2-letters language code) :

java -jar skos-play-cli-0.7.0-onejar.jar complete -i /path/to/skos/file.rdf -o complete -l en -m

Full help message of version 0.7.0

Usage: <main class> [options] [command] [command options]
    -h, --help
       Prints the help message
       Default: false
    -l, --log
       Reference to a log4j configuration file
    alignment      Generates an alignment report.
      Usage: alignment [options]
          -bsc, --bySourceConcept
             Generates the output by listing source concepts instead of grouping
             by target scheme.
             Default: false
          -c, --cache
             Cache directory when fetching alignments. Defaults to
             Default: alignment-cache
          -fop, --fopConfig
             FOP config file
          -f, --format
             Output format. Values can be either 'html' or 'pdf'. Defaults to
             Default: PDF
        * -i, --input
             RDF files, directory or endpoint URL
        * -l, --lang
             Language code to use.
        * -o, --output
             Output file
          -cs, --scheme
             URI of ConceptScheme to print
          -s, --style
             Output style. Values can be either 'default' or 'unesco'. Defaults
             to 'default'.
             Default: DEFAULT

    alphabetical      Generates an alphabetical report.
      Usage: alphabetical [options]
          -fop, --fopConfig
             FOP config file
          -f, --format
             Output format. Values can be either 'html' or 'pdf'. Defaults to
             Default: PDF
        * -i, --input
             RDF files, directory or endpoint URL
        * -l, --lang
             Language code to use.
          -m, --multilingual
             Also includes translations in other languages and translation
             tables. Defaults to false.
             Default: false
        * -o, --output
             Output file
          -cs, --scheme
             URI of ConceptScheme to print
          -s, --style
             Output style. Values can be either 'default' or 'unesco'. Defaults
             to 'default'.
             Default: DEFAULT

    hierarchical      Generates a hierarchical report.
      Usage: hierarchical [options]
          -fop, --fopConfig
             FOP config file
          -f, --format
             Output format. Values can be either 'html' or 'pdf'. Defaults to
             Default: PDF
        * -i, --input
             RDF files, directory or endpoint URL
        * -l, --lang
             Language code to use.
        * -o, --output
             Output file
          -cs, --scheme
             URI of ConceptScheme to print
          -s, --style
             Output style. Values can be either 'default' or 'unesco'. Defaults
             to 'default'.
             Default: DEFAULT

    complete      Generates an alphabetical report
      Usage: complete [options]
          -c, --cache
             Cache directory when fetching alignments. Defaults to
             Default: alignment-cache
          -fop, --fopConfig
             FOP config file
          -f, --format
             Output format. Values can be either 'html' or 'pdf'. Defaults to
             Default: PDF
        * -i, --input
             RDF files, directory or endpoint URL
        * -l, --lang
             Language code to use.
          -m, --multilingual
             Also includes translations in other languages. Defaults to false.
             Default: false
        * -o, --output
             Output file
          -cs, --scheme
             URI of ConceptScheme to print
          -s, --style
             Output style. Values can be either 'default' or 'unesco'. Defaults
             to 'default'.
             Default: DEFAULT

    translation      Generates a complete report.
      Usage: translation [options]
          -fop, --fopConfig
             FOP config file
          -f, --format
             Output format. Values can be either 'html' or 'pdf'. Defaults to
             Default: PDF
        * -i, --input
             RDF files, directory or endpoint URL
        * -l, --lang
             Language code to use.
        * -o, --output
             Output file
          -cs, --scheme
             URI of ConceptScheme to print
          -s, --style
             Output style. Values can be either 'default' or 'unesco'. Defaults
             to 'default'.
             Default: DEFAULT

    normalize      Usage: normalize [options]
        * -i, --input
             RDF files, directory or endpoint URL
        * -l, --lang
             Language code to use.
        * -o, --output
             Output file
          -cs, --scheme
             URI of ConceptScheme to normalize

    index      Generates a complete report.
      Usage: index [options]
          -fop, --fopConfig
             FOP config file
          -f, --format
             Output format. Values can be either 'html' or 'pdf'. Defaults to
             Default: PDF
        * -i, --input
             RDF files, directory or endpoint URL
        * -l, --lang
             Language code to use.
        * -o, --output
             Output file
          -cs, --scheme
             URI of ConceptScheme to print
          -s, --style
             Output style. Values can be either 'default' or 'unesco'. Defaults
             to 'default'.
             Default: DEFAULT
          -t, --type
             Index style. Values can be either 'kwic' or 'kwoc' or 'kwac'.
             Default: KWIC

    skos2skosxl      Converts a SKOS file to SKOS-XL file
      Usage: skos2skosxl [options]
          -b, --bnodes
             Use bnodes for generated xl:Label
             Default: false
        * -i, --input
             RDF files, directory or endpoint URL
          -n, --notes
             Also reifies the notes, definitions, scopeNotes, etc.
             Default: false
        * -o, --output
             Output file
