Compatibility with Rich Filters for Jira

Issue #62 closed
Sergei Kniazhentcev created an issue

Hi there,

I’ve asked Rich Filters for JIra dashboard plugin

authors to support Tree Custom Field

Their reply was following

Unfortunately we’re currently unable to add dynamic filtering support for this field because the field is buggy and this creates all sorts of problem. For example, the field implementation doesn’t deal correctly with options with the same name. If you select the options (on two levels) A / X and B / X in two different issues, if you add this in a native statistic gadget, you’ll see that the gadget doesn’t make the distinction between the two “X” values which do not represent the same thing (one is a sub-option of A, the other is a sub-option of B). One will overwrite the other in the statistics.

Moreover, if you now add another option named “A/X” (on one level, the option name contains “/”), the JQL is unable to make the distinction between A/X (on one level) and A/X (A on level one and X on level 2).

There are other cases like these two. In general, the field doesn’t deal correctly with name conflicts.

Is there any chance these notes can be fixed? Having support in Rich Filters for JIra Dashboard would be highly beneficial for both plugins



Comments (11)

  1. Yury Oboz repo owner


    What is the problem? You can use full path (“A/X”) instead partial “X“ or ID of value for exact search

  2. Sergei Kniazhentcev reporter


    Yes, I can.

    But the problem is that the field needs to work correctly in the native Jira Issue Statistics gadget. Currently, at least in the test cases presented in the previous comment, it doesn’t. The field needs to work correctly in the native Jira statistics gadgets.

  3. Yury Oboz repo owner

    Hm. I create test issues and standard Issue statistics gadget. I don't see problem, can you provide more info or example?

  4. Sergei Kniazhentcev reporter

    HI Yuri,

    Can you share email that I can add to the ticket I have with Rich FIlters support? That will eliminate broken phone issue.

  5. Sergei Kniazhentcev reporter

    Let’s proceed with this version on Rich Filters Support ticket

    Their support rep has all the testcases in place and understands the issue better

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