Don't placehold form inputs with real information.

Issue #3 resolved
Former user created an issue

Problem: When providing billing address or creating a gym, the user is asked for information but the form has placeholder information matching HC:FIT - Ninja Training's real details.

Situation: This can be confusing, as it can appear that the information is being restored from the database incorrectly, and make it difficult to see which forms haven't been completed.

Solution: Remove the real information and replace it with obvious placeholder text.

Comments (1)

  1. Thomas McNaught repo owner

    Implement a new date-picker: reduce required fields on event creations.

    Force checks so that event cannot start before today, and cannot end before start.

    Update gym creation and billing detail views to remove placeholder information. (Resolves #3)

    Increase avatar file upload size from 25MB to 50MB.

    Include WYSIWYG editor on gym creation page.

    Remove gym bio from gym index.

    After a gym is created, take the authenticated user straight to profile picture upload.

    Allow entry fee to be updated after event creation.

    → <<cset c504fe0dfc7f>>

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