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sftpgateway-public / Add and Configure Users Using UI

Add and Configure Users Using UI

Before you continue, make sure to sign in.

Once you login, you will see a list of all users (which will initially be empty). In the upper right corner click on the user plus button (Fig-1). alt text

Configure New User

alt text

Refer to Fig-2: 1. Username is required and must be unique.

  1. SSH Key Details is used to login to SFTP Gateway instead of a password.
    Select one of these options for the user * The "Generate new SSH keys pair" option will generate a new key pair, write the public key to the authorized_keys file, and download the private key once the user is saved.

    Note: You will need to make the private key available to the user by email or any other secure way (learn more).

  • The "Upload user-provided SSH key" option will display a browse button that will allow you to navigate to a public key file to be uploaded and written to the user's authorized_keys file.
  1. S3 Encryption Level is used to encrypt object uploaded to S3 by the user.
    Here are all your options: * SSE-S3: Is used by default. There is no additional cost, performance impact, nor key management overhead. You basically get some security compliance with no drawbacks. * KMS: You use the AWS key-managed service for encryption. This is similar to SSE-S3, but requires some configuration on your part. If you are not seeing the KMS keys you created, click the refresh button next to the dropdown. * No server side encryption: This is a good option if your S3 bucket is open to the public. Otherwise, it's best to take advantage of SSE-S3.

  2. Enable Shared Directory is used to allow multiple SFTP Gateway users to access the same set of files. This will create a folder in the default S3 bucket (even if the user has a custom bucket configured) called /shared.
    Any files created in this S3 location will get synced down to this Linux filesystem location: /home/username/home/username/shared/

  3. Enable Download Directory is used to allow this user to see what is on S3 through the use of Download Folders.
    By default, this will create a folder in your S3 bucket: /downloads. Any files created in this S3 location will get synced down to this Linux filesystem location:

  4. Upload Destination S3 Bucket Name is used to specify the custom S3 bucket name for this user.

Note: This will create a new bucket or point to an existing bucket that you own.

  1. Upload Destination Prefix is used to specify the S3 path to use for this user.

Note: The user's files will be uploaded to s3://my-custom-bucket/my/custom/path/.
