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Installing an SFTP Gateway Early Access Release

Version 1.003.0 - 2017-10-26

< Early Access Home


This page provides instructions on installing an Early Access version of the SFTP Gateway. These releases provide an opportunity to try new product features and are not guaranteed to be stable. Do not install an Early Access release into an existing Production environment as unexpected results may occur. We highly recommend that you launch a new EC2 instance to experiment with new features. If you choose to upgrade your production environment, we recommend that you create an Image of your existing SFTP Gateway production server for backup purposes before upgrading. Early Access releases should be available as a production version in the AWS Marketplace in the near future. Until then, use of an Early Access release is at your own risk.

Any feedback or issues encountered while using an Early Access release is greatly appreciated. Please report any issues or feedback to

Follow these steps to install an Early Access release of SFTP Gateway on an existing SFTP Gateway instance. If you do not already have a running instance of SFTP Gateway, please visit the AWS Marketplace page to launch a new instance of the current marketplace version, then follow these steps.

When logged into the SFTP Gateway server as the ec2-user, enter the following commands:

  1. Switch to the root user.

    [ec2-user@ip-172-xxx-xxx-xxx ~]$ sudo su - 
  2. Move to the SFTP Gateway local installation directory.

    [root@ip-172-xxx-xxx-xxx ~]$ cd /usr/local/bin
  3. Download zip from our public Early Access release URL.

    [root@ip-172-xxx-xxx-xxx bin]$ wget
  4. Extract the zip file into the installation location...

    [root@ip-172-xxx-xxx-xxx bin]$ unzip -o
  5. Clean up the zip file.

    [root@ip-172-xxx-xxx-xxx bin]$ rm -f
  6. Switch from root, back to the ec2-user.

    [root@ip-172-xxx-xxx-xxx bin]$ exit
  7. Verify the SFTP Gateway Version information reads "Version 1.003.0".

    [ec2-user@ip-172-xxx-xxx-xxx ~]$ sudo sftpgw version

    SFTP Gateway version 1.003.0 Copyright (c) 2017, Thorn Technologies LLC

  8. If you originally provisioned SFTP Gateway with CloudFormation, follow these instructions to grant your instance permission to all S3 buckets.

  9. Run sudo sftpgatewaysetup. This updates the your instance with some new SFTP Gateway properties.
