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sftpgateway-public / SFTP Gateway 2.0 Enable password login instead of using SSH Keys

By default, SFTP users are configured to log in using SSH keys. This is more secure than passwords, which are transmitted over the wire, and are easier to brute force -- especially if set without complexity requirements.

Although we don't recommend it, there are times when you need to enable password authentication. This article describes how to do so.

  1. Create a user via the web interface for user management.

  2. SSH into the EC2 instance, and elevate privileges to root:

     sudo su
  3. Set some bash variables, replacing the values below with your own. (Note: there are no spaces next to the equal sign)

     NEW_PASSWORD=<your password>
  4. Reset the user's password by pasting in the following code. It grabs admin credentials from a conf file, and then resets the user's LDAP password:

     str=`grep "${prefix}" /opt/sftpgw/ 2>/dev/null`
     ldappasswd -x -D "cn=admin" -w ${LOCAL_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY} -S "uid=${SFTP_USER},ou=people,dc=sftpgateway,dc=com" -s "${NEW_PASSWORD}" -ZZ
  5. Edit the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config. This controls settings for SSH.

  6. On line 84, change ChallengeResponseAuthentication to yes

    # Change to no to disable s/key passwords
    ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes
    #ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
  7. Add the following text at the very end of the file:

    Match User bob
    PasswordAuthentication yes
  8. Save the sshd_config file.

  9. Restart SSH: sudo service sshd restart. Note: if you're running a multi instance setup, see this page for details on how to send commands to multiple EC2 instances.

  10. User "bob" should now be able to sftp using a password

    $ sftp bob@52.202.XXX.XXX
    bob@52.202.XXX.XXX's password:
    Connected to 52.202.XXX.XXX.
    sftp> pwd
    Remote working directory: /home/bob
    sftp> bye
