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sftpgateway-public / Two Factor Authentication with Google Authenticator

You can enable 2FA for SFTP Gateway using Google Authenticator. The instructions are based on this article, but are slightly adapted for use with SFTP Gateway.

Install Google Authenticator:

sudo yum install google-authenticator -y

Run the following command as the ec2-user (do not run it as root):

google-authenticator <<< $'y\ny\ny\nn\ny\n'

This will generate a file /home/ec2-user/.google_authenticator. It also uses an answer file that answers 5 questions as y (except for the 4th question).

You should also see a URL that looks like this:|0&cht=qr&chl=otpauth://totp/ec2-user@ip-172-31-11-130%3Fsecret%3DHA774ARZXPMD6VBC

Navigate to this url, and scan the barcode with your Google Authenticator app.

Next, run this command to edit the file:

sudo vi /etc/pam.d/sshd

Comment out the second line:

#auth       substack     password-auth

And append this line to the end:

auth required secret=/home/${USER}/key/.google_authenticator

This line basically says to look for the file /home/<username>/key/.google_authenticator when performing 2FA. The key directory is the secret to making this all work, which I'll explain later on.

Next, move the .google_authenticator file to the key subdirectory:

cd /home/ec2-user
mkdir key && mv .google_authenticator $_

Make sure newly created users inherit this file as well:

sudo mkdir /etc/skel/key 
sudo cp -a /home/ec2-user/key/.google_authenticator /etc/skel/key 

(Note: if there are any existing users, make sure the ./key/.google_authenticator is copied to their home directory as well)

Next, edit the sshd_config file:

sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

(Un)comment the following lines, so that it looks like this:

ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes
#ChallengeResponseAuthentication no

And add the following line above the Match group sftponly section:

AuthenticationMethods publickey,keyboard-interactive

Note: This line needs to be above the Match group sftponly section!

Finally, restart sshd:

sudo service sshd restart

Now, try to SSH in as the ec2-user. You should be prompted for a Verification code.

Then, create an SFTP user (addsftpuser). When you try to connect, it should prompt you for a Verification code as well:

sftp -i robtest.key robtest@<ip address>
Verification code: 
Connected to <ip address>.

Explanation about the key subfolder

SFTP over OpenSSH requires that root have sole ownership of the ChrootDirectory.

Google Authenticator requires that the <user> own the .google_authenticator file, as well as its parent folder.

To avoid this conflict, we place the .google_authenticator file within a subfolder called key, which is owned by the user.
