Monit fails to start all services if one cannot initialize

Issue #251 resolved
Former user created an issue

Given an example where 50 hosts are being monitored with simple ICMP checks.

When the daemon is restarted, if one of these hosts is not reachable (ie. no ICMP response), then Monit will simply stop monitoring that service, and any service listed thereafter and remain stuck in the initializing state.

The preceding services will be monitored, but every other service listed after the failing service will stay in the initializing state and never become monitored. The result is if the 2nd check fails to initialize, the remaining 47 checks will also never initialize and never be monitored as a result.

I've tested this on 5.10 - 5.14-p2 and the issue occurs. This may be an issue on earlier releases (but I have no access to them to test).

This is a critical issue as Monit will never actually monitor anything if a service fails to initialize.

Unmonitoring the affected service has no effect.

Comments (3)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    The problem is duplicate if issue #226, it is solved in the development version, you can get a patched 5.14 here:


    tar -xzf monit-5.14-p2.tar.gz
    cd monit-5.14-p2
    make install # note: optional, alternatively you can run monit from the current directory
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