task_for_pid failed on mac osx 10.11 el capitan

Issue #266 resolved
linshuai2012 created an issue

In the function initprocesstree_sysdep (file sysdep_DARWIN.c) it uses task_for_pid to gather the information (e.g. cpu/mem resources) of all processes in the system.

In OSX 10.11 the new "system integrity protection" feature made this call to task_for_pid always failing. In system logs there are logs like this (one line for each pid being checked):

Oct 17 22:03:49 MacBook-Pro kernel[0]: Sandbox: monit(57901) System Policy: deny(1) mach-priv-task-port 1

One possible solution is mentioned in the second reference link.

Reference links:

Comments (8)

  1. linshuai2012 reporter

    Currently I modified /etc/asl.conf (config for apple syslog) to ignore these logs to avoid /var/log/system.log being constantly flooded by these messages:

    > sandbox-monit.log mode=0640 format=bsd rotate=seq compress file_max=5M all_max=50M
    ? [S= Message monit] [S= Message mach-priv-task-port] ignore
  2. t.koenig

    Hmm, this seems to work as expected if System Integrity Protection is enabled.

    But with System Integrity Protection disabled (via csrutil disable) it seems that task_for_pid will still fail:

    Nov 25 11:24:07 app-staging kernel[0] <Notice>: Sandbox: monit(46) System Policy: allow(0) mach-priv-task-port 64
    Nov 25 11:24:07 app-staging kernel[0] <Notice>: Sandbox: monit(46) System Policy: allow(0) mach-priv-task-port 63
    Nov 25 11:24:07 app-staging kernel[0] <Notice>: Sandbox: monit(46) System Policy: allow(0) mach-priv-task-port 62
    Nov 25 11:24:07 app-staging kernel[0] <Notice>: Sandbox: monit(46) System Policy: allow(0) mach-priv-task-port 59
    Nov 25 11:24:07 app-staging kernel[0] <Notice>: Sandbox: monit(46) System Policy: allow(0) mach-priv-task-port 58
    Nov 25 11:24:07 app-staging kernel[0] <Notice>: Sandbox: monit(46) System Policy: allow(0) mach-priv-task-port 56
    Nov 25 11:24:07 app-staging kernel[0] <Notice>: Sandbox: monit(46) System Policy: allow(0) mach-priv-task-port 51
    Nov 25 11:24:07 app-staging kernel[0] <Notice>: Sandbox: monit(46) System Policy: allow(0) mach-priv-task-port 50

    I guess this is not the expected behavior?

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