Resource temporarily unavailable.

Issue #577 resolved
Don created an issue

My Monit 5.14 from centos 6 frequently reports alerts such as:

"DNS: error receiving response -- Resource temporarily unavailable."

"HTTP: Error receiving data -- Resource temporarily unavailable."

But is it actually problem of monitored server or monitoring server? If it's just EINTR you should just restart read() or whatever syscall you do - this is not problem of monitored service, but bug in Monit itself.

$ man read

EINTR The call was interrupted by a signal before any data was read.

Comments (9)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    Monit 5.14 was released over 2 years ago. I believe we have fixed most of these spurious errors arising from network connections and the corresponding error message in later Monit releases. Please upgrade to the latest Monit version.

  2. Tildeslash repo owner

    yes ... the network read timed out, but it left the errno set to EAGAIN (which is described as "Resource temporarily unavailable") on return, so the event description was confusing.

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