
Clone wiki

FritzDialer / PrivacyPolicy


The BoxWählhilfe app is not a VoIP client. The app is just remotely controlling your router and instructs the router to initiate phone calls between your regular phone and a destination selected from the contacts database of your device. The phone calls will be made using your regular phone (Analog/ISDN/DECT/VoIP), which is connected to the router.

The BoxWählhilfe app stores the application settings, including the router credentials, only on your device. They are stored in the Application Sandbox, which isolates the app data from other apps.

App permissions

  • Contacts

    • read your contacts

      These permissions are required to be able to pick a phone number from the Contacts database and to show the contact information like name, phone number, contact picture.

    • modify your contacts

      This permission is required ( on older devices ) to be able to store the calls initiated by the app in the call log database of the device.

  • Location

    • access approximate location (network based)

      This permission is required to fetch the SSID of your Wi-Fi router in order to activate the App in known networks only, for example at home.

  • Call logs

    • write call log

      This permission is required to be able to store the calls initiated by the app in the call log database of the device.

    • read call log

      This permission is required to be able to display the device’s call log.

  • Phone

    • reroute outgoing calls
    • directly call phone numbers

      These permissions are required to be able to catch the phone calls, initiated by the standard phone app of the device, and to initiate them through you router.

  • Wi-Fi connection information

    • view Wi-Fi connections

      This permission is required to fetch the SSID of your Wi-Fi router in order to activate the App in known networks only, for example at home.

  • Other

    • have full network access

      This permission is required to be able to connect via IP to your router and to initiate phone calls through your router.
