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Thibault J.-Y. Derrien
Financial supports
[15/02/2012 - 14/12/2012] French National Research Agency (ANR, Agence Nationale de la Recherche), project "Ultrasonde".
[01/02/2013 - 31/01/2014] Adolf Martens Fellowship, German Ministry of Economy and Technology, Germany
[01/02/2014 - 30/04/2014] BAM Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing, Berlin, Germany
[01/09/2015 - 31/08/2017] Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions, European Commission, project "QuantumLaP"
This code calculates the excitation, heating and transport of free-carriers (electrons and holes, separately) of silicon irradiated by a short laser pulse. The energy coupling with phonons and their diffusive transport is also calculated in time and space. Geometry is expressed in cartesian plane (x,y) and assumes invariance per translation.
Current status
First publication is under preparation.
Code is currently in optimization stage.
- The shape of the sample can be changed using a parametric function for the contour.
- Equations are discretized using a finite volume formulation with mesh-free formulation.
- Calculations are performed in the (x,y) plane, thus assuming the invariance by translation on Z axis. This hypothesis was required since laser does not originates from the tip symmetry axis, but from aside.
- The Mie scattering theory for cylinders is locally applied for irradiations by the apex side.
- The Fermi-Dirac statistics of electrons and holes are taken into account as a function of carrier density and temperature.
Installer: GNU make
Parallelized: OpenMP. MPI version is under preparation.