Border training bug?

Issue #83 duplicate
Invochs created an issue

I've just levelled up to Prefect and border training no longer seems to work for me. The option to attack a village appears as normal but clicking on the "Attack" button yields no response. I recently selected the "Don't show additional dialogs on this page" option which Chrome offers, so I'm thinking that might be the problem. Not a major issue for me as the age is away to end and I'm not going to rank any further but I wonder if anyone experienced the same problem.

Comments (5)

  1. Nuvelle

    I just tested this on live:

    I also have the check box selected to not show additional dialogues.

    Prefect Nuvelle lost to Tribal king Soldiers Tot Inj Dead Capt Soldiers Tot Inj Dead Capt Commanders 1 -- -- -- Commanders 2 -- -- -- Heroes 0 -- -- -- Heroes 0 -- -- -- Artillery 0 -- -- -- Artillery 13 -- -- -- Cavalry 88 50 3 6 Cavalry 10 6 -- -- Infantry 0 -- -- -- Infantry 36 3 -- --

    Anyone else having this bug?

  2. pyro

    actually invochs dont check that :P i had that same problem and then it did the same thing i could train again when i i just click yes

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