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headful_EPA_jumpbox_config / linode_base_config

part of the headful_EPA_jumpbox_config project


Do a basic, somewhat-secured setup of a linode, either

  • manually
  • scripted: as detailed below, manually rebuild your linode, shell into it, then run a normal script from a shell commandline (not a StackScript)

Note that all of the above processes (and basically everything on this page) assume that you have already successfully completed the pre-install process.

For definitions of terms special to these instructions, see the project glossary.


Follow steps in docs=

  1. Getting Started
  2. Securing Your Server

with one exception: although I do disable root login via SSH, I do not currently disable the root login entirely. This is because I have found in other, past (and possibly irrelevant) installs that sometimes sudo is not enough: i.e., sometimes one must run su -.

scripted runs on the linode "normally": i.e., not as a StackScript. Accordingly, to run it,

  1. On your client device, complete the pre-script process below.
  2. From your linode, complete the script base install below.

pre-script process

  1. From your Linode Dashboard:

    1. Rebuild the linode: follow link= Rebuild. In the resulting page,

      1. Select OS=Debian (probably latest version available).
      2. Fill-in your desired root password.
      3. Take other defaults.
      4. Hit button= Rebuild (and OK to confirm).

      Will take a bit of time (usually less than a minute), returning to status= Powered Off

    2. Boot the linode: hit button= Boot (and OK to confirm). Will take a bit of time (usually less than a minute).

  2. From your client:

    1. Define JUMPBOX_IPV4 (your linode's IPv4 IP#), preferably by sourceing previously-written

      source ${PATH_TO_PROJECT}/scripts/
    2. Reset the local SSH key for your user on the linode:

      ssh-keygen -f ${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts -R ${JUMPBOX_IPV4}
    3. Copy scripts and dependencies to linode 'rootspace' (usually /root/). The easiest way to do this is

      scp ${PATH_TO_PROJECT}/scripts/* root@${JUMPBOX_IPV4}:
    4. SSH into linode as root (since you have not yet created a user account):

      ssh root@${JUMPBOX_IPV4}

script base install

From a root shell on your linode:

  1. Run the install script (s/whatever/ your desired password /):

    JUMPBOX_USER_PASSWORD='whatever' /root/
  2. After the script runs to completion (without error):

    1. logout (aka Ctrl-D) as root.

    2. Copy scripts and dependencies from your client device to your new user's linode homespace. For convenience, we want to assume (and further documentation will assume) that your scripts and dependencies are available at the same path (relative to your homespace) on the linode as on your client device. So do, e.g.,

      ssh ${JUMPBOX_USER_NAME}@${JUMPBOX_IPV4} "mkdir -p ${PATH_TO_PROJECT}/scripts/"
      # ignore responses like
      # > X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0
      scp ${PATH_TO_PROJECT}/scripts/* ${JUMPBOX_USER_NAME}@${JUMPBOX_IPV4}:${PATH_TO_PROJECT}/scripts/

This will also test that you

  • created your user correctly
  • setup your SSH connection correctly


Not currently supported: I have started a StackScript for this task, but it is currently broken. To fix it, I need to

  • add logging-to-file to facilitate debug
  • discover either
    • how to make the StackScript get .properties from the client
    • how to run the StackScript after [creating the base image, copying the properties]


As directed by the script, from your client, verify that

  1. you cannot now SSH in as user=root

  2. you can now SSH in as the user you created, with key and without challenge, e.g.:

  3. your sudo iptables -L output

    1. resembles this output of mine
    2. resembles the listing at this linode doc
    3. ... and your ability to sudo tests that you set your user password correctly.
  4. your desired packages (esp for your editor) are installed
