citrus_mskanji's cstowc() cannot convert csid=0x2 / index=0x987e (wchar_t=0xfcfc).

Issue #56 closed
Takehiko NOZAKI repo owner created an issue

CP932 User Defined Area and Unicode mapping is 0xF040 - 0xF9FC = 0xE000 - 0xE757. and no charactere assigned but 0xFAFC - 0xFCFC is still available.

but our cstowc() wrongly limiting these area, so following code doesn't work.

#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <wchar.h>

#include "citrus_namespace.h"
#include "citrus_types.h"
#include "citrus_module.h"
#include "citrus_ctype.h"
#include "citrus_ctype_local.h"
#include "citrus_stdenc.h"
#include "citrus_stdenc_local.h"

#include "citrus_mskanji.h"

    struct _citrus_stdenc *ce;
    char st[sizeof(mbstate_t)];
    size_t ret, n;
    char mb[MB_LEN_MAX];

    ce = malloc(sizeof(*ce));
    assert(ce != NULL);
    ce->ce_ops = malloc(sizeof(*ce->ce_ops));
    assert(ce->ce_ops != NULL);
    ce->ce_traits = malloc(sizeof(*ce->ce_traits));
    assert(ce->ce_traits != NULL);

    ret = (*_citrus_MSKanji_stdenc_getops)(ce->ce_ops,
        sizeof(*ce->ce_ops), _CITRUS_STDENC_ABI_VERSION);
    assert(ret == 0);

    (*ce->ce_ops->eo_init_state)(ce, &st);
    ret = (*ce->ce_ops->eo_cstomb)(ce,
        &mb[0], sizeof(mb), 2, 0x987e, (void *)&st, &n);
    assert(ret == 0);
    assert(n == 2);
    assert((unsigned char)mb[0] == 0xfc);
    assert((unsigned char)mb[1] == 0xfc);

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