after fix Issue #63, iconv(3) can't detect incomplete input or shift state.

Issue #72 closed
Takehiko NOZAKI repo owner created an issue

try following:

$ printf "\xA1" | iconv -f eucJP -t UTF-8

$ printf "\xA1" | /usr/pkg/bin/iconv -f eucJP -t UTF-8
/usr/pkg/bin/iconv: (stdin):1:0: incomplete character or shift sequence

Comments (3)

  1. Takehiko NOZAKI reporter

    my idea is:

    • all encoding module should implement _citrus_stdenc_mbtocs_state_reset() and if incomplete chars in mbstate_t, throw EINVAL.
    • iconv_std checks mbstate_t by _citrus_stdenc_get_state_desc() before call _citrus_stdenc_mbtocs_state_reset().
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