libedit dumps core when el_gets()'s line is NULL.

Issue #75 closed
Takehiko NOZAKI repo owner created an issue

ATF test sbin/fsck_ffs/t_enable_quotas may fail with coredumps of /sbin/fsdb.

minimal case is:

$ newfs -B le -O 1 -s 4000 -F test.img
test.img: 2.0MB (4000 sectors) block size 4096, fragment size 512
        using 4 cylinder groups of 0.49MB, 125 blks, 256 inodes.
super-block backups (for fsck_ffs -b #) at:
32, 1032, 2032, 3032,

$ printf "inode 3\nblks\n" | fsdb -nF -f test.img
** test.img (NO WRITE)
** File system is already clean
Editing file system `test.img'
Last Mounted on
current inode: directory
I=2 MODE=40755 SIZE=512
        MTIME=Jan  1 09:00:00 1970 [0 nsec]
        CTIME=Jan  1 09:00:00 1970 [0 nsec]
        ATIME=Jan  1 09:00:00 1970 [0 nsec]
OWNER=tnozaki GRP=tnozaki LINKCNT=2 FLAGS=0x0 BLKCNT=0x1 GEN=0x3f58408b
current inode 3: unallocated inode
fsdb: inode 3 not a file or directory
Memory fault (core dumped)

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