segementation fualt (core dump)

Issue #12 closed
Former user created an issue

when i write message very fast wthout pause, i get: segmentation fualt (core dump).

Comments (16)

  1. Tobias Lorenz repo owner


    I still try to reproduce the issue. But even after a thousands of random objects, I was not able to trigger the issue. I'll do a code review, maybe then I'll find something.

    Can you provide some more details? Which compiler have you used? Which architecture? Do you have a sample program that clearly reproduces the issue?

    Bye Tobias

  2. Tobias Lorenz repo owner

    Hi, I learned a lot on thread safety analysis in the last days, and did some changes accordingly. Can you check if the latest commit to master branch fixed the issue, also on your side? Bye Tobias

  3. Tobias Lorenz repo owner

    Maybe you can leave me more details on the particular machine, where this makes problems. Compiler and Architecture. But only if you can/want ;-)

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