Error reading CanErrorFrame

Issue #13 closed
Petter Strandh created an issue

As I am playing around with the parser code I get a bugout everytime I get to read a CanErrorFrame.

356563575 ns: CanErrorFrame: channel=3 length=0
ObjectSize=36 doesn't match calculatedObjectSize()=40

End of file.

Keep up the good work.

Comments (8)

  1. Tobias Lorenz repo owner

    Interesting. The test data I got from the original tool chain (binlog, converter, ...) always had 40 bytes. Yours only has 36 bytes. The only difference I see is that in your case length=0. See here (first three are from test samples and last one is yours):

    2459565876494606882 ns: CanErrorFrame: headerVersion=1 objectSize=40 objectFlags=0x2 objectVersion=0 channel=4369 length=8738 reserved=0x0
    2459565876494606882 ns: CanErrorFrame: headerVersion=1 objectSize=40 objectFlags=0x2 objectVersion=0 channel=4369 length=8738 reserved=0x0
    2501000000 ns: CanErrorFrame: headerVersion=1 objectSize=40 objectFlags=0x2 objectVersion=0 channel=1 length=6 reserved=0x55c178
    356563575 ns: CanErrorFrame: headerVersion=1 objectSize=36 objectFlags=0x2 objectVersion=0 channel=3 length=0

    So either

    • I ignore the 4 bytes reserved field, if objectSize=36, or
    • it has something to do with length=0 and that the reserved field is then missing.

    I'll go with the first solution, for now.

  2. Tobias Lorenz repo owner

    Ignoring the 4 bytes is not that easy, because the calculation of objectSize is not possible then. I've implemented the length=0 check instead. It successfully parses my test samples and your provided BLF file. The patch is on master and v2.1 branches.

  3. Petter Strandh reporter


    Thanks a lot for the fix.

    I do suspect that there is an issue with the converter that I was using. I did look at the standard and your code and they match. Then I could not understand why this failed.

    I tried a few ugly fixes myself however I did not find the correct place to fix.

    I am currently building with msys2 on win10 and it works fine. A few issues with finding dlls and stuff.

    Thanks again. now I can continue to tinker with this.

    Best Regards Petter

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