Reading gstreamer udp-stream from .blf-file fails

Issue #18 resolved
Former user created an issue

Reading a .blf file that includes udp-packets send by gstreamer aborts with ObjectHeaderBase being nullptr.

Same file can be read by vector CANalizer without problems. Other udp packets / ethernet frames are working fine. No difference if other data is present or not (e.g. CAN-Channels).

Attached you will find a .blf log containing the aforementioned udp-stream only.

The issue was reproduces with Versions 2.1.5 and 2.1.6

Comments (7)

  1. Tobias Lorenz repo owner


    I checked the BLF now in multiple environments and couldn’t reproduce the issue. The vector-blf-parser example successfully decodes 19468 objects of type EthernetFrameEx.

    What environment do you use the library in? What compiler and ~options?

    Bye Tobias

  2. Christof Meinert

    Hi Tobias, thanks for the quick reply.

    My environment is

    GCC 7.4.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 with the flags -O3 -DNDEBUG

    The file is part of a catkin compilation (ROS1-Melodic) that is triggered with the following command: catkin_make --directory ${workspaceFolder} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

    Taking a look at the example (Parser.cpp) with the file I send you it does look like this.

    statisticsSize: 0x90
    applicationId: 84
    applicationVersion: 245.61.0
    fileSize: 27366520 (0x1a19478)
    uncompressedFileSize: 29014245 (0x1bab8e5)
    objectCount: 20200
    objectsRead: 96
    measurementStartTime: 2019-10-14 1 18:11:22.563
    lastObjectTime: 2019-10-14 1 18:11:52.777
    fileSizeWithoutUnknown115: 0x1a192e6

    ObjectSize=536 doesn't match calculatedObjectSize()=56

    End of file.
    uncompressedFileSize: 29014245
    objectCount: 20200

    I guess the objectsRead should be equal to objectCount?

    Taking a look at more relevant logs, that I’m not allowed to share, it does look more grim.

    statisticsSize: 0x90
    applicationId: 84
    applicationVersion: 245.61.0
    fileSize: 2049629000 (0x7a2adb48)
    uncompressedFileSize: 10024578740 (0x25582eeb4)
    objectCount: 25040292
    objectsRead: 0
    measurementStartTime: 2019-10-24 4 13:29:30.0
    lastObjectTime: 2019-10-24 4 13:38:4.885
    fileSizeWithoutUnknown115: 0x7a2ab282

    ObjectSize=120 doesn't match calculatedObjectSize()=64

    End of file.
    uncompressedFileSize: 917872
    objectCount: 310

    I hope I provided all information necessary.

    Thanks for your effort and time in this investigation.

  3. Tobias Lorenz repo owner

    Hi Christof,

    I can reproduce the issue now. However the data looks different here:

      statisticsSize: 0x90
      applicationId: 84
      applicationVersion: 245.61.0
      fileSize: 27366520 (0x1a19478)
      uncompressedFileSize: 29014245 (0x1bab8e5)
      objectCount: 20200
      objectsRead: 96
      measurementStartTime: 2019-10-14 1 18:11:22.563
      lastObjectTime: 2019-10-14 1 18:11:52.777
      fileSizeWithoutUnknown115: 0x1a192e6
    30214581000 ns: Unknown115: res[0]=0x30113e80 res[1]=0x000001f0 res[2]=0x3011436a res[3]=0x01e801f0 res[4]=0x00180008 res[5]=0x000003e8
    ObjectSize=536 doesn't match calculatedObjectSize()=56
    End of file.
    uncompressedFileSize: 29014245
    objectCount: 20200

    So it seems that only the trailing message “Unknown115” has a different format. I’ll check and fix it.

    Can you try with the latest version if your objectCount also totals up to 20200?



  4. Tobias Lorenz repo owner

    Hi Christof,

    I did a commit in this branch:

    Instead of showing the message “ObjectSize=120 doesn't match calculatedObjectSize()=64” it just consums the available data. The parser has been changed as well to show what’s inside this message.

    Unknown115 is anyway the last message, so there isn’t anything important missing, if the library/parser stops here.



  5. Tobias Lorenz repo owner


    I merged issue-18 branch into master and released v2.2.0.

    I assume this issue is solved now.

    Bye Tobias

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