what is the max buffer size for holding the data and max time-out to write the data to file

Issue #27 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi Mr. Toby Lorenz, I want to know, what is the max buffer size for holding the data before writing it to the file ? what is the max time-out value to write that data to file?

is there possibility to tweak these values?

Comments (4)

  1. Tobias Lorenz repo owner


    the max buffer sizes are set in File::File(). There is first a write queue, which is initialized to hold 10 objects. Then there is a write buffer of 0x20000 bytes, which is the size of a compressed Log Container.

    There is no max time-out defined. Data is written continuously. The buffer sizes just prevent that buffers get overfull, or otherwise spoken: user write operations get blocked, until there is buffer free again.

    Currently the values can only be tweaked directly in the source code, however it should be easy to make these methods public in the File class.



  2. Tobias Lorenz repo owner

    Closing this issue. The answers have been giving. No further request to expose a method to set the buffer sizes.

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