Not able to write CanFdMessage to blf.

Issue #31 resolved
Deepen M created an issue

Hi Tobias,

I am writing CAN FD frames to blf but when i analyze the blf file in CANalyzer all seems to be wrong.


Event type is CAN frame.

Data length is always 8.

Data is always 8 byte even if i copied 64 byte data. Below is a snippet of code. Please give your input.

    auto* stdCAN = new Vector::BLF::CanFdMessage;
    stdCAN->objectTimeStamp = time_ns;
    stdCAN->channel = channel;
    stdCAN->id = messageID;
    stdCAN->objectType= Vector::BLF::ObjectType::CAN_FD_MESSAGE;

            if (size > 64)
                return false;
            else if (size > 48)
                stdCAN->dlc = 15;
            else if (size > 32)
                stdCAN->dlc = 14;
            else if (size > 24)
                stdCAN->dlc = 13;
            else if (size > 20)
                stdCAN->dlc = 12;
            else if (size > 16)
                stdCAN->dlc = 11;
            else if (size > 12)
                stdCAN->dlc = 10;
            else if (size > 8)
                stdCAN->dlc = 9;
                stdCAN->dlc = 8;

            stdCAN->dlc =size;
            stdCAN->validDataBytes= size;
            stdCAN->frameLength = size;
    memcpy(&stdCAN->data, data, stdCAN->dlc);
    return true;

Comments (9)

  1. Tobias Lorenz repo owner

    Hello Deepen M,

    In your code, there are some issues, we should fix first.

    stdCAN->objectType= Vector::BLF::ObjectType::CAN_FD_MESSAGE;

    This doesn’t need to be set, as it happens in the constructor of CanFdMessage already.

    stdCAN->dlc =size;

    This is likely wrong, as you already set it in the if/else statements. Or you would make the if/else statements useless, if you set another value afterwards.

    stdCAN->frameLength = size;

    frameLength is actually the message length in ns, not the byte size. You don’t need to set it.

    memcpy(&stdCAN->data, data, stdCAN->dlc);

    You should use stdCAN->size here instead.

    Do you agree? Can you test again with these changes?



  2. Deepen M reporter

    Hi Tobias,

    I changed the code and give it a run but the result is same. Please find the updated code below.

    auto* stdCAN = new Vector::BLF::CanFdMessage;
    stdCAN->objectTimeStamp = time_ns;
    stdCAN->channel = channel;
    stdCAN->id = messageID

            if (size > 64)
                return false;
            else if (size > 48)
                stdCAN->dlc = 15;
            else if (size > 32)
                stdCAN->dlc = 14;
            else if (size > 24)
                stdCAN->dlc = 13;
            else if (size > 20)
                stdCAN->dlc = 12;
            else if (size > 16)
                stdCAN->dlc = 11;
            else if (size > 12)
                stdCAN->dlc = 10;
            else if (size > 8)
                stdCAN->dlc = 9;
                stdCAN->dlc = 8;
            stdCAN->validDataBytes= size;
    memcpy(&stdCAN->data, data, size);
    return true;
    Please let me know if you have any input.

  3. Tobias Lorenz repo owner

    I just checked the definition of the CanFdMessage class. The class is able to transport a CAN message and a CANFD message. Difference is that in a CANFD message, you have to set

    canFdFlags = Vector::BLF::CanFdMessage::CanFdFlags::EDL

    Let’s try this 😉

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