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lightshowPi / Audio-In Mode

USB Audio Input

You can configure LightshowPi to use the input from a USB audio dongle as the audio your lights respond to (i.e. instead of playing local audio files). There are many applications that this can be used for, one of which is for adding a light show to an existing karaoke setup (see video here).

USB Audio Input Setup

First, you'll need a USB audio sound card in hand. You can find lists of compatible devices here. One USB audio card that is known to work just fine is the Sabrent AU-MMSA.

Next, you'll want set your USB audio sound card as the default soundcard following the instructions here.

LightshowPi configuration

To enable audio-in mode, set the lightshow mode to audio-in in your configuration override file (e.g. ~/.lights.cfg):



mode = audio-in

There are other advanced options related to audio-in mode, take a look at the default configuration file for more details (search for "audio-in").

Running in Audio-In mode

Once you've enabled audio-in mode, you can run the synchronized lights script to start things up:


sudo py/
