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Deploying QATrack+ with IIS, SSO/Windows Authentication, & SQL Server
This guide is going to walk you through installing QATrack+ on a Windows 2008 R2 server with IIS serving our Django application (QATrack+). SQL Server 2008 will be used as the database. Windows Integrated Authentication is used for single-sign on.
The steps we will be undertaking are:
- Installing and configuring git
- Checkout the latest release of the QATrack+ source code from bitbucket.
- Setting up our Python environment (including virtualenv)
- Configuring IIS to serve our QATrack+ site.
- Setting up a database with SQL Server
- Wrap Up
The first four steps are common to the Windows/IIS/CherryPy install and will not be repeated here. While the use of only one web server (IIS) to host all aspects of QATrack is likely more robust, it has not yet been tested in a multi-user environment. Once testing and tweaking is completed, then I imagine that this wiki will be combined with the Win/IIS/CherryPy page into one Windows installation method.
1. Installing git
See the Windows/IIS/CherryPy wiki
2. Checkout the latest release of QATrack+ source code from bitbucket
See the Windows/IIS/CherryPy wiki
3. Setting up our Python environment
See the Windows/IIS/CherryPy wiki -- Note that in the last steps of section 3, the "pip install cherrypy" is not necessary, but there's no harm done if you install it either.
4. Configuring IIS to Serve QATrack+
The following is an modification of the how-to from CodeSmartInc:
Ensure that 'CGI' and 'URL Authorization' are installed within the IIS options.
Download and install the MS Web Platform Installer (WPI) from:
Launch WPI and search for FastCGI. Add/Install "WFastCGI 2.0 Gateway for IIS and Python 2.7". Confirm that is in C:\Python27\Scripts.
Within the IIS Manager, go to your web server, and ensure that IIS has icons for both CGI and FastCGI.
Stop/Delete/Remove the default site.
Create a new site in IIS by right-clicking on Sites and selecting "Add Web Site". QATrack would be a good name but anything works. Select "C:\deploy\qatrackplus" as the path. Confirm 80 as the port. Host Name can be left blank. Leave the "Start Site Immediately" checked.
Select the root server. Double click on Handler Mappings. In the upper right-hand side, click 'Add Module Mapping':
- Request path: *
- Module: FastCgiModule
- Executable: C:\deploy\venvs\qatrack\Scripts\python.exe|c:\Python27\Scripts\
- Name: QATrackHandler
When you select OK, you will be asked if you want to add an entry to the FastCGI collection in IIS. Answer YES.
Select the root server. Double-click on FastCGI Settings. There should be two entries. Remove the entry with the Full Path to 'C:\Python27\python.exe. Double-click on the remaining entry, with the full path to your VENV Python.exe with an argument to your Click on Collection in Environment Variables property box and click the ... button. Add the following three environment variables:
- DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE: qatrack.settings
- PYTHONPATH: C:\deploy\qatrackplus
- WSGI_HANDLER: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()
Click OK/OK.
Right-click on your site within IIS and select "Add Application".
- Alias: Static
- Path: C:\deploy\qatrackplus\qatrack\static
Click OK.
Navigate to this static application's Handler Mappings module and remove the QATrackHandler handler that was created automatically through inheritance.
Create a local group of users (within Server Manager) to include all local and Active Directory users that you would like to be able to access your QATrack site.
Within IIS Manager, For the root server, * double-click 'Authentication' and disable all EXCEPT enable Anonymous Authentication. * double-click 'Authorization Rules' and ensure that 'All Users' are allowed access.
For the QATrack site: * double-click 'Authentication' and disable all EXCEPT enable Windows Authentication. * double-click 'Authorization Rules' and create a rule to allow the QATrackUsers group access. Remove any other rules that might exist.
For the static application * double-click 'Authentication' and disable all EXCEPT enable Anonymous Authentication. * double-click 'Authorization Rules' and ensure that 'All Users' are allowed access.
Note that the above Authentication/Authorization rules inherit from higher levels, so you may want to double-check that all inheritances are removed and that you have only the desired configuration. Also note that this is optional, but given that unknown users are automatically created within the QATrack database, I favour the idea of closing the gate here.
Install python-ldap from: Copy the 'ldap' folder from C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\ into C:\deploy\venvs\qatrack\Lib\site-packages\
5. Creating a database with SQL Server
From the start menu find and open SQL Server Management Studio. Enter 'localhost\INSTANCE' for the server name, where INSTANCE is the SQL server instance name that was chosen during the SQL Server install, and click Connect.local
In the Object Explorer frame, right click the Databases folder and select "New Database...".
Enter 'QATrackDB' as the database name and click OK.
Back in the Object Explorer frame, right click on the main Security folder and click New Login...
- Set the login name to 'IIS APPPOOL\QATrack', select Windows Authentication. Click OK.
Back in the Object Explorer frame, expand the qatrackdb database, right click on Security and select New->User.
Enter 'IIS APPPOOL\QATrack' as the User name and Login name and then below in the Database Role Membership select 'db_datawriter' and 'db_datareader'. Click OK.
Configuring QATrack+ to use your new database
Create a file called in /c/deploy/qatrackplus/qatrack/ and add the following contents:
#!python DEBUG = False TEMPLATE_DEBUG = False DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'sqlserver_ado', # Add 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'mysql', 'sqlite3' or 'oracle'. 'NAME': 'QATrackDB', # Or path to database file if using sqlite3. 'USER': '', # Not used with sqlite3. 'PASSWORD': '', # Not used with sqlite3. 'HOST': 'localhost\\QATRACK', # Set to empty string for localhost. 'host\\Instance' 'PORT': '', # Set to empty string for default. Not used with sqlite3. } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Middleware MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.RemoteUserMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'qatrack.middleware.login_required.LoginRequiredMiddleware', 'qatrack.middleware.maintain_filters.FilterPersistMiddleware', 'debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware', ) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Authentication backend settings AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'qatrack.accounts.backends.WindowsIntegratedAuthenticationBackend', ) # active directory settings (not required if only using ModelBackend AD_DNS_NAME = "" CLEAN_USERNAME_STRING = 'MYDomainName\\' # see!topic/qatrack/EvteC2vUflQ # If using non-SSL use these AD_LDAP_PORT = 389 AD_LDAP_URL = 'ldap://%s:%s' % (AD_DNS_NAME, AD_LDAP_PORT) AD_SEARCH_DN = "DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=ca" AD_NT4_DOMAIN = "" # Network domain that AD server is part of AD_SEARCH_FIELDS = ['mail', 'givenName', 'sn', 'sAMAccountName', 'memberOf'] AD_MEMBERSHIP_REQ = []
We will configure our new MS SQL database from the Git Bash command prompt. Answer 'yes' and create a super user when prompted -- this will be the first/only superuser within QATrack+:
#!bash source /c/deploy/venvs/qatrack/Scripts/activate cd /c/deploy/qatrackplus/ python syncdb python migrate python loaddata fixtures/defaults/*/* python collectstatic
6. Wrap Up
Congratulations! You should now be able to navigate to http://localhost and see your newly created instance of QATrack+.
This guide shows only one of many possible method of deploying QATrack+ on Windows. If you're stuck with a Windows stack it will likely work for you too. Post any questions on the QATrack+ Google Group if you want to discuss some other alternatives for deploying on Windows.