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QATrack+ Screenshots
Here you will find a selection of screenshots showing both the front end interface and the administrators interface.
##Main User Interface##
###Choosing a unit to perform QA on###
###Choosing a test list to perform###
Tables of test lists contain information about when the test list was last performed, when it is next due and the status of the tests from the last qa session
###Performing a test list###
The interface for performing test lists. The image below demonstrates simple numerical inputs as well as calculated values (e.g. temperature-pressure correction and dose)
Test procedures can be embedded using plain text, html, or links to external documents
###Overview of units QA program###
There are multiple options for keeping tabs on the current status of your QA program, including an overview page summarizing the current status of QA on all units.
###Review Test List History###
Choose a QA session from the past to review.
Review an individual QA session.
###Data plotting###
QATrack+ has a convenient interface for plotting and trending historical QA data. Both basic plots and statistical process control charts are available.
##Administrators Interface##
QATrack+ has a built in administrators backend for defining tests, references & tolerances, and managing users and groups.
###Defining Tests### The interface for defining tests is simple to use and allows you to choose between a number of different test types.
Test values can be computed from the results of other tests using the Composite test type.
###Creating Test Lists###
Lists of tests to be performed together are easily defined.
###References & Tolerances###
Setting and updating reference and tolerance values for a test on a unit is easily achieved through the admin interface.