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qatrackplus / v / 0.2.7 / admin / auto-schedule

Configuring Auto-Schedule for all currently assigned test lists

As of version 0.2.6 of QATrack+ there is a Django management command auto_schedule that allows you to enable or disable auto-scheduling for all test lists currently assigned to a unit. It will also allow you to update the due dates for all tests lists assigned to a unit based on their last performed date and assigned frequency. This is usually not necessary but might be useful if you have manually overriden many due dates and want to "reset" all of them.

All of these commands must be run from the git bash shell from the root of your QATrack+ directory (with your virtualenv activated).

The following command will disable the auto_schedule flag for all test list assignments:

#! bash
python auto_schedule disable-all

The following command will enable the auto_schedule flag for all test list assignments:

#! bash
python auto_schedule enable-all

The following command will update the scheduled due date for all test list assignments based on the date they were last completed and their assigned frequency:

#! bash
python auto_schedule schedule-all

The following command will "unset" the due date for all test list assignments (i.e. they will all show as Not Due):

#! bash
python auto_schedule unschedule-all
