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qatrackplus / v / 0.2.9 / admin / tutorials / step_by_step_test_list / test_list_start_to_finish_6

A step-by-step introduction to QATrack+ administration (continued)

(Previous Page)

In this part of the tutorial we will assign our test list to a unit and ensure that it is functioning correctly on the main site.

Assigning the test list

To assign the test list to a unit, visit the Assing Test Lists to Units link under the QA section from the main admin page and then click on Add unit test collection in the top right hand corner.

Select the Test Unit from the Unit: dropdown, and then create a new frequency by clicking on the green cross next to the Frequency dropdown. Give the frequency the name Monthly, slug monthly and enter 28, 28, 35 for Nominal interval, Due Interval and for Overdue interval, respectively.

creating a new frequency

Select the Physics option from the Assigned to: dropdown and test list from the Content Type dropdown. After selecting test list you will be able to select Machine Output from the Object id dropdown.

Assigning to a unit

When you're finished click Save.

Checking our work

Visit the main site (you can click the QATrack+ administration header at the top of the admin page) and select the Choose Unit link from the Perform QA dropdown at the top of the page. On the next page choose the Monthly option from the Test Unit drop down.

Choosing Monthly

On the next page click Perform Monthly QA beside the Machine Output test list.

Monthly test listings

You should now see the test list you defined:

Final test list

Fill in sample values of :

  • Temperature = 24
  • Pressure = 760
  • Ion Chamber Reading = 2.56

And you should see the Temperature-Pressure Correction and Dose values calculated as 1.007 and 1.017 respectively.

Calculated results

Notice that the Status for the tests all show No Tol Set. This is because we haven't set reference values and tolerance/action levels for these tests. That procedure is covered elsewhere.

Wrapping Up

We have now gone through the basics of taking QATrack+ from a blank installation all the way to performing our first test list! Check out the admin guide (for configuration) and users guide(for end user instructions) for more information.
