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User Management for JIRA Cloud

Managing your users has never been easier!

View your site's users, filter and sort by groups, name and last usage time, easily deactivate users and manage user assignments to groups.

How to open the app?

  1. Go to Jira Home
  2. In the navigation menu under "Apps", Click "Users" Screen Shot 2020-06-20 at 20.24.30.png

Main Screen

The homepage displays all your site's users with their display names, email addresses, assigned groups and the last time they were logged in to Jira. You can search for a specific user by name and email address, filter users from specific groups, search for users who haven't logged-in in a while, sort the filtered users by names or last usage time and perform actions on users (keep reading for more details).

Deactivate User

  1. Select the users you want to deactivate
  2. Click Deactivate from the Actions dropdown at the upper right corner

    New Project.png

  3. Enter your email address and API token

  4. Click Run

Add user to groups

  1. Select the users you want to add to some groups
  2. Click Add to group from the Actions dropdown at the upper right corner

    New Project (1).png

  3. Choose one or more groups you want the selected users to be added to

  4. Enter your email address and API token
  5. Click Run

Remove user from groups

  1. Select the users you want to remove from some groups
  2. Click Remove from group from the Actions at the upper right corner

    New Project (2).png

  3. Choose one or more groups you want the selected users to be removed from

  4. Enter your email address and API token
  5. Click Run

What is the trial period?

A new client is entitled to 30 days of free trial in which he can try and test the app. Rest assure we are here all the time for any question and request you have, also when you're on trial. During the trial period, each user is allowed to perform up to 10 group actions and 10 user deactivations.

Why do you need my API token?

Some of the actions we are dealing with aren't accessible for Jira Apps, therefore we are can execute them on your behalf by using your API Token, but don't worry, we will never store your API Token.

What is the difference between Admin API Key and API-Token?

Our app uses multiple Atlassian APIs in order to simplify user management for you.

API Tokens & API Keys are different authentication methods Atlassian has defined, that enable us to make API calls on your behalf.

  1. API Tokens are used to perform actions like user deactivation and group assignments.
  2. Admin API Keys are used to fetch users and their last usage time for companies which have configured an "Atlassian Organization" and verified their domain.

How to create an API-Token?

  1. Log in to
  2. Click "Create API token".
  3. From the dialog that appears, enter a memorable and concise Label for your token and click Create.
  4. Click Copy to the clipboard, then paste the token to your script, or elsewhere to save:

For more details:

How to create an Admin API Key?

  1. Open
  2. Click on the workspace you are working on: 1.Workspace.png
  3. On the left menu click on Settings
  4. Under settings click on API keys
  5. Click on Create API key
  6. Set a name for the API key (only you will see it) and set the Expiry date for the key (once this date is reached, the API key won't work anymore).


  7. Copy the generated API key and paste in the app


Important: Never share your API key with anyone else

How to switch between API and File Upload modes?

1) Open the app. (In the navigation menu under "Apps", Click "Users")

2) On the upper right side of the screen click on the configuration button

Screenshot at Apr 29 13-19-20.png

3) Select the mode under "Data Source"

Screenshot at Apr 29 13-10-57.png

How to export users from Atlassian Admin?

  1. Open
  2. Click on “Manage users” button in the relevant organization box manage_users.png
  3. Click on “Export users” on the top right corner of the Users page export_users.png
  4. Make sure “All users on this site” is selected under “Users” Category, and “All users” under “User Status”.
  5. Check “Group membership” and “Product access” under “Additional Data” Category
  6. Click “Download file” and choose a location to save to file. download_file.png
