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ExchangeRate / Home


There are two pieces to this package. One is a PHP script (exrate.php) that will retrieve the exchange rates to update (From Table: ExchRate) and save the rates with a timestamp (To Table: ExchDetails). In the ExchRate table there is a list of the offical currency abbriviations to be converted. Only one currency should be set at the source. This is the currency that all other currencies will be converted ‘to’.


Data comes from Google Finance via API


  • AED - United Arab Emirates dirham
  • AUD - Australian dollar
  • BRL - Brazilian real
  • CHF - Swiss franc
  • CNY - Chinese yuan
  • EUR - Euro
  • GBP - Pound Sterling
  • HKD - Hong Kong dollar
  • ILS - Israeli new shekel
  • INR - Indian rupee
  • JPY - Japanese yen
  • KRW - South Korean won
  • MXN - Mexican peso
  • NOK - Norwegian krone
  • NZD - New Zealand dollar
  • SEK - Swedish krona
  • THB - Thai baht
  • TRY - Turkish lira
  • USD - U.S. Dollar
  • VEF - Venezuelan bolívar
  • ZAR - South African rand


datainstall.sql - SQL script for MySQL to create data schema a views.

dbconn.php - File containing database connection used by exrate.php and report.php.

default.css - Stylesheet used by report.php

exrate.php - Script to retreive exchange rates. This script should be run from the command line or by a chron job.

README.txt - This Documentation

report.php - Web page that displays exchange rate details. Put this in your website.

table.php - PHP utility to draw tables used in reporting. Requires dbconn.php.


  1. Run datainstall.sql on the database which will store the data.
  2. Change connection string details in dbconn.php
  3. dbconn.php, default.css, report.php and table.php should be put in a folder accessable by your websever.
  4. exrate.php and a copy of dbconn.php can be put wherever you like - in a folder with other cron jobs. If you prefer you can put the connection string details in the top of exrate.php and skip the dbconn.php copy all together.
