Snapshots are not copied into the Steam folder in windows

Issue #10 resolved
Former user created an issue

Snapshots are not copied into the Steam folder in windows which makes an upload to the Steam community impossible.

Snapshots are in Windows picture folder but also need to be copied to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata###########\remote######\screenshots

Comments (2)

  1. Oleksandr Shcherbonos

    fix: Snapshots never arrive in Steam

    Fixes issue #10 where Snapshots are not copied into the Steam folder in windows which makes an upload to the Steam community impossible.

    → <<cset 837380c3fdc3>>

  2. Oleksandr Shcherbonos

    fix: Snapshots never arrive in Steam

    Fixes issue #10 where Snapshots are not copied into the Steam folder in windows which makes an upload to the Steam community impossible.

    → <<cset e74faf3ade4d>>

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