
tronthunpodowntiringti Methanabol British Dragon Review - BD Methanabol Tablets - British Dragon Pharma

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+Home/Orals/ admin Pharmaceutical Name: Methanabol Chemical name: Methandienone Tablet count: 100 tablets Each tablet contains: Methandienone 10 mg Product Description: Methanabol is an orally applicable steroid with a great effect on protein metabolism. GOAL: Bulking STRENGTH: 10mg/tab AMOUNT: 100 tabs Methandienone Tablets by British Dragon is a moderately androgenic substance and is actually only a popular steroid among men. Strong virilization symptoms are of course possible in women.
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+One study found that taking low dosages (25-50mg) of Methanabol did not significantly affect blood pressure or kidney function but at higher dosages (100-150mg) it caused a significant decrease in creatinine clearance and significantly elevated both BUN & Albumin. Description Methanabol British Dragon All over the globe, bodybuilders complained of serious side effects and there were many cases of liver damage reported. Soon the drug acquired a bad reputation and in medicine it's use only lasted a couple of decades.
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+Deca Durabolin and Testosterone Cycle is classic mass builder cycle that most of us heared about. It works great for mass and I can recommend it if you are not prone to gyno and deca-dick 🙂
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+Nov 23, 2021
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+Description Reviews (0) Methanabol British Dragon British Dragon Methanabol is considered a popular and effective pharmacological steroid among athletes. Many athletes use Dianabol to increase muscle mass and weight, increase strength, enhance appetite, strengthen bones and ligaments. British Dianabol is a strong anabolic steroid.
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+Methanabol (BRITISH DRAGON) is the product that contains the active ingredient Methandienone, in . Used for weight loss, muscle mass, prolong sexual intercourse, burn fat, bodybuilding ... See all 12 Methanabol (BRITISH DRAGON) reviews Write Review. Der*** Verified Buyer February 09 Manchester, United Kingdom. Great Service. Was this review ... 

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