3.1 Release

Issue #64 closed
Bartłomiej Mazur created an issue

In current latest trove on maven (3.0.3) we still have lines of code like that: https://bitbucket.org/trove4j/trove/src/a4f8d76a0cfa9e72159268d38e9e8566f4614088/core/src/main/java/gnu/trove/impl/hash/TPrimitiveHash.java?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default#TPrimitiveHash.java-97

So I think that trove should release updated version of trove to prevent "memory leaks" from this part of code as it always create much bigger arrays than needed.

or maybe there is some other repo that I didn't see with new versions?

Comments (30)

  1. Rob Eden

    Yes, I +1 too. shame :-\

    At one point I put a half-baked transition to Gradle in an accidentally did in the master tree. I need to back that out so the build process is fully functional, then I can do a release.

  2. Bartłomiej Mazur reporter

    oh, great to hear that! :) What about backwards compatibility with 3.0.3? And any ETA?

  3. Rob Eden

    No. Trove is mostly a hobby project/labor of love at this point so I've learned not to give ETAs.

    That being said, I did some work on tidying up the build process today and it's looking much better. So, making progress.

    FYI, I'm hoping to introduce a "trove-experimental" module which unproven stuff (like T*LinkedList will be moved into.

  4. Emil Crumhorn

    Hi. We're running into some issues that we would love fixed (and I believe they are, they're just not in the latest maven release) before our product goes into production in Feb, which means we would mean we need the 3.1 release. Any update on when it will be done?

  5. Rob Eden

    Hoping to have a 3.1 beta tomorrow. If you know the specific bugs you're interested in, let me know and I'll double-check that they're in.

  6. Marcus Gründler

    Hey @robeden - thanks a lot for this great library, it does a fantastic job! Now that you have the 3.1 release nearly ready, let me know if I can be of any help (testing, building, whatever) for releasing 3.1 to maven central.

  7. Rob Eden

    Sorry, guys. I don't want it to be a dead project, but it's just little ol' me at the moment and Trove isn't a critical library at work anymore so finding the time to update is difficult (too many other critical projects).

    The main problem preventing easy releases at the moment is that the source tree is in a bit of disarray (shame... from my young and stupid learning days in git) and it needs to be cleaned up. I've been meaning to do this for a while, but the activation energy to get it done has been prohibitively high thus far.

    Help and contributions are greatly welcomed. I'm also still open to others taking lead. I agree that Trove is too important to let go.

  8. Jim Davies

    Yes, it is. I've been a bit busy lately, but I have some time this week to work on getting a release out.

    Serendipity, eh?

  9. Jim Davies

    Ok, so I'm not ready to do a new release yet, but I am working on it. I'm going to work on it some more tomorrow, and I'll give you all a more detailed update tomorrow evening.

  10. Jim Davies

    Ok, so everything on the 3.1 branch got merged to master a long time back, and it all seems pretty solid, so I'm going to release current master as 3.1 . I had a bunch of changes on a branch, so that has formed a new 3.2 branch, and I'll add an issue into for it to go out soon'ish too.

    All I need to do to get 3.1 out is:

    1. Produce the jar (in fact I've already produced the jar, but it takes a bit of manual movement and renaming to get it so that it in the right place to be deployed);
    2. Deploy the jar (I've not got the details for this, so I'll have to get them Rob, or get Rob to do it).
  11. Jim Davies

    Hi Everyone,

    The new 3.1.0 release of Trove is out. The maven coordinates have changed slightly, as the core project is now called "core", rather than "trove4j". I think that is easy enough for everyone to work with though.

    Bug fixes for 3.1.x should be made against the 3.1 release branch, and then I will cherry pick from there to master, and rebase 3.2.

    Many thanks to @robeden for getting everything over the last hurdle and out.

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