trov4j not available in maven central

Issue #77 resolved
Paul Smith created an issue

jcenter is quickly approaching sunset and planned brown outs. See announcement below.

Removing the jcenter() repository in android projects and substituting mavenCentral() results in Android Studio failing to build all android projects with the following error. This is caused by the trove4j package not being available in the maven central repository. Uploading an artifact to maven central would resolve this issue.

Could not resolve all artifacts for configuration ':classpath'.
Could not find org.jetbrains.trove4j:trove4j:20160824.
Searched in the following locations:
Required by:
project : > > >

If this is not addressed, all Android Studio projects will fail to build on April 12th and April 26th 2021, due to the planned jcenter brownout. See linked announcement above.

Comments (4)

  1. Paul Smith reporter

    Android Studio is bringing these in from org.jetbrains.trove4j automatically. How can I change it to point to net.sf.trove4j instead?

    If this is the wrong place to report this issue, where should I report it instead?

  2. Rob Eden

    I would start with JetBrains, since it would appear to be their fork being reference and they should know more about Android Studio. Sorry I can’t be of more help.

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