Feature Request - Enable prompt for user creation during workflow, akin to computer naming

Issue #105 closed
Allister Banks created an issue

Ideally, when configured, workflow would kick off and

  1. from recovery, pop dialog requesting user info

  2. if a local artifact (plist/json config) is present, use that to auto-create (I don't think that's possible with a config profile except via DEP, and not sure if sysadminctl is the 'better' way to have user creation occur on firstboot... 🤔)

  3. otherwise allow username/password entry

  4. for great justice!!!!!1!OMGWTFBBQ kick off filevault to end user

Comments (7)

  1. Allister Banks reporter

    As I already have a library-ized scripted way to create a user that I'd pull in from the env variables implemented in #129, at the very least the priority on this can be lowered

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