Feature request - Allow additional variables to be entered in Recovery

Issue #129 closed
Kevin Brady created an issue

One thing that would help me out in my workflow is the ability to add additional variables that can be entered while still in Recovery that can then be referenced by scripts during the installation stage. You've already got the computer name doing that. Would it be possible for us to add our own?

For example, I'd like to ask for computer name, AD User/pass, and the asset tag number. Computer name already works, then use the AD user/pass in a script to join machine to domain, then asset tag can be used in a script to change the admin password (created by pkg) to be unique to each machine. Maybe even be able to update info in ServiceNow, which is our system of record.

Comments (2)

  1. timothy perfitt

    related to issue #105. I think it might be good to have MDS have a section to add in variables by name and labels, and then imagr will prompt. Once those are entered, it will set then in environment variables when running scripts.

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