Multiple Variables

Issue #178 resolved
Andrew Myers created an issue

Proposal to add option to include multiple pre-set options within variables input. Example, a buildings variable where all of the building options are pre-populated and can select from drop down.

Comments (14)

  1. timothy perfitt

    Can you give me some use cases where this would be helpful? I can make some up, but I want to understand a bit more how it would be used.

  2. Andrew Myers reporter

    One thing that we track with our machines are their physical building location. Currently it is up to the technician to get the correct building name entered and spelled correctly, or even choose the newly decided upon name for the building. We would look to pre-populate that variable with multiple option that could be selected from a dropdown style menu.

  3. Sylvain La Gravière

    For my case, I ask a “Munki option” variable to deploy a standard “office app pack” or a “full” DTP app pack after the first boot (and admin auto login).

    For now it’s the mds_var2 who ask for “1 DTP / 2 Office”

  4. Sylvain La Gravière

    Conditional variables can be useful too. If $mds_var3 is set, then ask for $mds_var4.

    And also an option to hide variables like password : ••••••

  5. Jeff Wimer

    I would use it for the ClientIdentifier in my munki ManagedInstalls.plist. We have about 20 group/building manifest and it would remove the need for separate workflows for each ClientIdentifier.

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