Refactor Manage Push Certificates

Issue #326 closed
Dave Lebbing created an issue

build 20063

On the MDM window it could be good to consolidate the Export and Import buttons from the popover for Manage Push Certificates. Instead these could be a single item that would open a sheet with buttons to export the unsigned push notification request, and then below a control to import the push certificate file. Instructions could also be shown on this sheet describing how the user will need to go to Profile and then to the Apple page to process the files generated.

Also it would be good to eliminate exposing the private key file to the user. Currently the private key file is saved to a location when the unsigned PNR file is exported. It would be better to instead save the private key to a different location only used for internal reference. Then the user would only receive one file to be uploaded to Profile. When the Push Certificate is later imported MDS could reference the private key at the location it saved it that was not exposed to the user.

Comments (10)

  1. Dave Lebbing reporter
    • changed status to open

    build 20091:

    Typo in first sentence. Change "In order to MDM clients" to "In order for MDM clients".

    Typo near end of top paragraph. Change "a MDM Push certificate is required" to "an MDM push certificate is required".

    Add to end of top paragraph: "after purchasing an MDS support plan from".

    Change Save As name for unsigned CSR to be "unsigned_CSR_upload_to_twocanoes.pem". Change this in explanation text in section 2 as well.

    Section 3: change 'upload the "Vendor-signed CSR...' to 'upload "Vendor-signed CSR...'.

  2. Dave Lebbing reporter
    • changed status to open

    build 20094: (minor issues)

    Typo at bottom of first paragraph. Change "MDS support plan include..." to "MDS support plans include...".

    At bottom of first paragraph make link to MDS page clickable.

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