Save to volume creates duplicate package archive folder in source each time a workflow is saved

Issue #380 closed
Dave Lebbing created an issue

build 20119

When adding a folder to Resources > Packages, if a package is marked as “when running workflow” and then the workflow is saved to volume, each time save to volume is performed an additional folder will be added to the package source location that archives the original.

Example: add Winclone package to a workflow and mark it as “when running workflow”. Save to volume, then save to volume a second time. Note that in the Winclone package source location there will now be two folders added that archive the original.

Comments (3)

  1. Dave Lebbing reporter

    If the drive runs out of space when this happens, MDS appears to truncate the original file. The Winclone package used was truncated from 6.22 gb to 11.6 mb.

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