2.1 not showing loginlog

Issue #439 closed
Kenneth Kordisch created an issue

With MDS 2.1… the loginlog isn’t popping up for me with installing pkg with firstlog. I just rolled back to 2.0.1 and it works. This is with installing the OS clean with 10.14.6 and 10.15.3. I am not using ASR.

Comments (22)

  1. Kenneth Kordisch reporter

    Oddly enough. I just tried this again in 2.0.1 and the login log did show up for a while and then quit. This might be related to me testing workflows in parallels.

  2. Collin Clarkin Account Deactivated

    I will be taking a look at this shortly. If you could provide me with a step by step list of what you were doing so I can replicate the event, that would be very useful.

  3. Kenneth Kordisch reporter

    Basically, when First login packages are installing, that Log window in the screenshot isn’t popping up.

  4. Collin Clarkin Account Deactivated

    By login packages do you mean the MacOS packages and apps that get installed while running MDS on the target machine? or while selecting the files and scripts?

  5. Kenneth Kordisch reporter

    When Packages set to “When User First Logs in”. Normally that Log screen pops ups during that install of those pkgs. I am not seeing that happen anymore.

  6. Kenneth Kordisch reporter

    After the OS, is installed and it boots into the desktop for the first time the pkgs set to “When User First Logs in” pkgs start to into and that loginlog window pops up to show what is being installed.

  7. Collin Clarkin Account Deactivated

    Ok, attempting to simulate now. To confirm, you are having this issue on 2.1?

  8. Collin Clarkin Account Deactivated

    One last question. What OS are you running and on what type of machine. This if for where you set up MDS and the type of machine you are installing too.

  9. Collin Clarkin Account Deactivated

    You are inputing the settings for mds on the 10.14 and installing 10.15?

  10. Collin Clarkin Account Deactivated

    In order to replicate your steps though I need to know what your base machine where you are setting up MDS is (its specific OS and model of computer i.e. Imac, MacBook Air, Mac mini). And I need to know the same for the target machine you are executing MDS on (the OS being installed and the type of machine).

  11. Kenneth Kordisch reporter

    MacBook Pro. OS 10.15.3. I am installing and testing these using parallels VM using 10.14.6.

  12. Kenneth Kordisch reporter

    If you just make a MDS workflow and install 10.14.6 clean (not ASR)… and set a few pkgs to install WHEN user first logs ins… after the OS installs, this first login pkgs should prompt the loginlog to pop up.

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