Name filters stop working after using a dropdown filter

Issue #13 open
Kelly King created an issue

Name filters work initially, but after filtering by relationship, they stop working.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Filter by Primary Advisor (or any relationship on the list)
  2. Attempt to filter by name
  3. Change relationship filter back to "Show all"
  4. Attempt to filter by name

Browser: Chrome Version 72.0.3626.119 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Official response

Comments (6)

  1. Prince Duepa

    @kellysking this is one of those issue we couldn't find a elegant, easy way to implement. A work-around this to navigate to the home page then back to the previous page. This will reset the filters.

    The table component that we're using takes two approaches to handling the data its fed:

    Automatic (client-side)

    The automatic approach means the table handles everything (figuring out page count, how many items to show per page, filtering, sorting, etc...). With this approach our main responsible will be loading the data into the table.

    However one big draw-back with this is that all data has to be loaded at once. This was a deal breaker for us as we want to make Management 2 fast and more responsive. And so we decided to take the manual approach, which presented its own draw-backs.

    Manual (server-side)

    This is essentially the opposite of the above but allows us to load data in a piecemeal fashion, meaning we can drastically cut-down on the load times. The draw-back here is that we have to code everything the table is no longer handling, like filtering.

    With respect to filtering we need to make sure that each filter works individually and when paired with any other filter. In the case of relationships it looks like this:

    • student first name (A)
    • student last name (B)
    • user first name (C)
    • user last name (D)
    • relationship type (E)
    • A + B
    • A + C
    • A + D
    • A + E
    • B + C
    • B + D
    • B + E
    • C + D
    • C + E
    • A + B + C
    • A + B + D
    • A + B + E

    This doesn't scale very well. With every additional column a decision would have to be made if it can be filterable/sortable. If we do decide that's the case we then have to make sure it still works in combination with already existing columns.

    I hope that made sense. Please reach out if you've got any more questions. This is an area where there's lots of room for improvement and we'll continue to look for ways post release.

  2. Kelly King reporter

    I think I understand! And I was able to reset by going home and back to relationships. Thanks!

  3. Prince Duepa

    The work-around for this issue is to navigate to SAGE Management's homepage then back to the previous page. This will reset the filters. See my response below for more information on this bug.

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