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minimator / Install

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You can get a copy of the complete source code, including a statically linked binary from the git repository:

git clone


In order to run the examples included in the distribution, all you need to do is set an environment variable pointing to the directory this README is located in:

export MINIMATOR=/path/to/minimator

You can include this in your .profile or .bashrc if you want.


The control synthesis part of MINIMATOR is implemented in GNU Octave. The post image operation for the invariant set computation is done using a separate tool implemented in Ocaml and using the Parma Polyhedra Library (PPL). A binary is included to save you from the painful compilation process. For graphical output, the GNU plotting utils come in handy.

Here is a list of software tools that MINIMATOR depends on:

Here is a list of software you need for manual compilation:


Edit the Makefile and adapt the paths to your local system setup. Then type make and pray.
