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UFF / other_formats / The KULeuven format


Generic structure

Each dataset is comprised of two fields: data and meta. The data itself is kept in '''', an array with 7 dimensions: [nRanges, nAzChannels, nElChannels, nTxAz, nTxEl, nPackets, nFrames].

Dimension Description
nRanges Number of samples in the depth dimension (z). The number of samples is determined by the sampling frequency and range (min and max depths)
nAzChannels Number of transducer crystals in the azimuth direction (x)
nElChannels Number of transducer crystals in the elevation direction (y)
nTxAz Number of transmit directions in azimuth to form a given frame
nTxEl Number of transmit directions in elevation to form a given frame
nPackets Number of packets. For compounding, this is the number of ''low resolution'' shots to sum into the final ''high resolution'' image
nFrames Number of acquisition frames

The metadata can be found in the field ''ChDataset.meta'' and includes information about the system settings, as well as the probe and scanning sequence used and the phantom imaged. A more detailed description of the metadata can be found in the sections below.


Metadata fields


The Probe structure contains useful information, such as the element geometry and element-to- channel pinout, as detailed below.


Field Description
name Probe name
nElementsAz/El Number of elements in azimuth and elevation
elSizeAz/El Element width (azimuth) and height (elevation) [m]
kerfAz/El Kerf in azimuth and elevation [m]
pitchAz/El Pitch in azimuth and elevation [m]
xdcSizeAz/El Probe size in azimuth and elevation [m]
tx_probe_origo Probe origin, as considered by the transmit beamforming (x,y,z) [m]
rx_probe_origo Probe origin, as considered by the receive beamforming (x,y,z) [m]
el_focus Elevation focal depth [m]
type Type of transducer: phased_array, phased_2d_array, muxed_2d_array
elementPos Coordinates of the transducer elements (nAz x nEl x [x,y,z]) [m]
connectorPinout System pinout (elementPos are a regular grid, but the system might scramble the channels)
channelIndex Channel index for every physical element
nMuxAz/El Number of multiplexing blocks in azimuth and elevation
muxerPos Coordinates of the muxing blocks used for beamforming (nMuxAz x nMuxEl x [x,y,z]) [m]
muxMode Description of the muxing mode used ('muxedArray' or 'fullChannel')


The Sequence structure has been designed considering a simplex imaging mode. This may have to be adapted once we move to more complex imaging sequences.


Field Description
nFrames Number of frames acquired
nTxAx/El Number of transmit directions per frame in azimuth and elevation
txFocalDepth Focal depth of the transmissions [m]
compoundingMode Type of coumpounding sequence
nCompoundAz/El Number of compounding shots in azimuth and elevation
openingAngle Acquisition opening angle (Az, El) [deg]
nMLAs Number of MLAs in azimuth and elevation
nMLTs Number of MLTs in azimuth and elevation
txEvents Structure with the transmit events
nPackets Number of data packets
f0 Pulser centre frequency [Hz]
chSampleTime Time vector for channel data [s]
chRangeMin/Max Min and max acquisition range [m]
Muxing Structure with the multiplexing settings

When multiplexing is used, each txEvent may be transmitted multiple times with different aperture layouts. Additional information regarding txEvent repetition is stored in the field ''Sequence.Muxing''. This includes the number of repetitions and the elements used for each firing.


Field Description
nMuxRounds Number of multiplexing firings into the same direction
T_First Index of the first transmit element for each transmission (from the focal law)
R_First Index of the first receive element for each transmission (from the focal law)
activeTxElm List of elements active in each transmission
activeRxElm List of elements active in each reception

The txEvents structure contains additional information related to the transmit events, such as beam direction and apodization.


Field Description
txAngle Angle of the transmit beam (azimuth and elevation) [deg]
txFocus Coordinates of the focal point for each transmission (x,y,z) [m]
txApod* Transmit apodization used
txOrigo Origin of the active transmit aperture (x,y,z) [m]
txActiveAper List of active elements for each transmission
txTimeZero Time-zero for each transmit beam (useful when multiple beams are transmitted sequentially) [s]
txPolarity Pulser polarity (+1, -1, or eventually other reconstruction code)
rxActiveAper List of active elements for each reception

Note: each field may have N rows, where N is the number of MLTs.


The Phantom structure is specially useful in the case of simulation datasets, as it provides the ground-truth for the tissue data.


Field Description
name Name of the phantom
scat_pos Coordinates of the scatterers in the medium (x,y,z) [m]
scat_amp Amplitude of the scatterers in the medium
