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UFF / other_formats / USTB probe


Parameter Type Description
origo uff.point location of the probe in 3D space respect to the origin of coordinates
geometry double[:,7] matrix defining the position, attitude, and shape of a set elements [x y z theta phi width height]

The uff.probe class defines the geometry of the probe in a Field II flavour.

The parameter origo defines the position of the probe in a threedimensional space respect to the orgin of coordinates (0,0,0). NOTE: This structure is missing the orientation of the probe which must be defined with a set of three angles (theta,azimuth,roll).

The parameter geometry is matrix of double with dimmensions N_elements x 7. The position of each element, respect to origo, is given by the first three columns of geometry [x y z] in meters. The orientation of each element is given by the fourth and fifth columns as the angles [azimuth elevation] in radians (NOTE: roll is missing). The last two columns define the width and height of each element in meters. Elements are assumed to be rectangular.

Dependent variables allow the user to access the values for each element in a comprehensive way:


%% properties  (Dependent)   
        N_elements         % number of elements 
        x                  % center of the element in the x axis[m]
        y                  % center of the element in the y axis[m]
        z                  % center of the element in the z axis[m]
        theta              % orientation of the element in the azimuth direction [rad]
        phi                % orientation of the element in the elevation direction [rad]
        width              % element width [m]
        height             % element height [m]
        r                  % distance from the element center to the origin of coordinates [m]

An example of a HDF5 file containing a general '''uff.probe''' data structure can be downloaded from here.

The uff.probe class has three children: uff.linear_array, uff.curvilinear_array, and uff.matrix_array. These classes are intended to simplify the definition of the most common probe geometries.



The class uff.linear_array defines a linear array, of constant pitch, where all elements are assumed to be indentical. It includes the following parameters:

| Parameter | Type | Description | | N | integer | Number of elements in the linear array | | pitch | double | distance between the center of consecutive elements in the X direction [m] | | element_width | double | width of the elements in the X direction [m] | ! element_height | double | height of the elements in the Y direction [m] |

An example of a uff.linear-array can be found here



The class uff.matrix_array defines a 2D matrix array with a constant pitch in the X direction, and in the Y direction (not necessarily the same). All the elements are assumed to be identical. It includes the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
N_x integer Number of elements in the X direction
N_y integer Number of elements in the Z direction
pitch_x double distance between the center of consecutive elements in the X direction [m]
pitch_y double distance between the center of consecutive elements in the Y direction [m]
element_width double width of the elements in the X direction [m]
element_height double height of the elements in the Y direction [m]

Example of uff.matrix_array


The class uff.curvilinear_array defines a curvilinear array, of constant pitch along an arc. All elements are indentical, but they are orthogonally oriented to the arc direction. It includes the following parameters:


Parameter Type Description
N integer Number of elements in the linear array
pitch double distance between the center of consecutive elements in the radial direction [m]
radius double radius of the curvilinear array [m]
element_width double width of the elements in the X direction [m]
element_height double height of the elements in the Y direction [m]

File example of uff.curvilinear_array. Use any HDF5 viewer to inspect the files, such as HDFView.
