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UFF / other_formats / USTB scan


The scan defines a set of pixels in a 3D space. It is composed of three column vectors x, y, and z.

Parameter Type Description
x double[,1] location of the pixel in the X axis [m]
y double[,1] location of the pixel in the Y axis [m]
z double[,1] location of the pixel in the Z axis [m]

As with uff.probe, three children classes make uff.scan more easy-to-use: uff.linear_scan, uff.sector_scan, and linear_3D_scan. (NOTE:* in the future both linear and sector scans should be defined in 3D).


Defines a linear scan in the XZ plane, defined by the two axes X and Z.

Parameter Type Description
x_axis double[,1] X axis of the linear scan [m]
z_axis double[,1] Z axis of the linear scan [m]


Defines a sector scan in the XZ plane, defined by the two axes azimuth and depth, and the location of the apex.

Parameter Type Description
azimuth_axis double[,1] Azimuth axis of the sector scan [rad]
depth_axis double[,1] Depth axis of the sector scan [m]
apex uff.point Location of the apex of the sector scan


Defines a linear scan in an arbitrary plane, defined by the two axes: radial and axial, and the roll angle.

Parameter Type Description
radial_axis double[,1] Radial axis of the linear scan [m]
axial_axis double[,1] Axial axis of the linear scan [m]
roll double Angle around the Z axis [m]
