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UFF / v0.1 / uff.receive_setup

uff.receive_setup< uff

Describes the setup used to receive and sample data. If more than one probe is used in reception, this is a list of setups.


Parameter Datatype Description
probe uff.probe Reference to the probe use in reception
time_offset single or double Time delay between the event start and the acquisition of the first sample [s]
channel_mapping array of int16 Map of receive channels to transducer elements
sampling_frequency single or double Sampling frequency of the recorded channel data [Hz]
tgc_profile array of single or double (Optional) Analog TGC profile sampled at tgc_sampling_frequency [dB]
tgc_sampling_frequency single or double (Optional) Sampling frequency of the TGC profile [Hz]
modulation_frequency single or double (Optional) Modulation frequency used in case of IQ-data [Hz]


The object receive_setup contains a reference to the probe used on receive, the time_offset between the event start and the beginning of data acquisition, the sampling_frequency, and a channel_mapping dataset routing the elements in the probe to the channels in the system.

