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UFF / v0.1 / uff.transmit_wave

uff.transmit_wave < uff

UFF class to describe a transmitted wave as used in an event


Parameter Datatype Description
wave uff.wave Reference to the geometry of the wave that was transmitted
time_offset double or single Time delay between the start of the event and the moment this wave reaches the closest element in the probe [s]. [Default = 0s]
weight double or single Weight applied to the wave within the event [unitless between -1 and +1]. This may be used to describe pulse inversion sequences. [Default = 1]


Each of the transmit_waves contains a reference to a wave, the time_offset since the start of the event, and a relaive weigth respect to other simultaneous waves. Note that several waves can be transmitted simultaneously, with different geometry, weight and time_offset relative to each other.

